Tuesday 12 April 2016

BLACK PRIDE Magazine Press Release


Date: April 14, 2016
Subject: Call for submission for POETRY FOR POLITICIANS
Contact: Adigun Temitope Idealism, E-mails: blackpridemagazine@yahoo.com or adiguntemitopeidealism@gmail.com

POETRY FOR POLITICIANS is an international anthology that will be published in paperback. BLACK PRIDE Magazine EXPECTATION is once again high for year's crop of poems.
Submission window, opening May 9, 2016, closing till further notice. The theme is basically on Politics with 6lines count! Each Poet is to submit minimum of 3 poems and maximum of 5 poems. Poets wishing to submit their work should go to www.blackpridemagazine.WordPress.com or www.blackpridemagazine.simplesite.com and click on "Guidelines and conditions 2016". All individual poems remain copyright of the poet and are only used as part of the anthology with permission and if it is found worthy to be in the anthology by the editors.

Selection and Publication Process
Each poem received will be coded and anonymized and then sent to two editors, who act a first filter, write a short report on each poem with their recommendation. This process is to seek and create a balanced portfolio of work based on individual poems. Through this method, the anthology will be in different mood and also reflect the contemporary issues in politics produced in the new media, professional and social networking community. Once the poems are selected, the individual poets are contacted for biographies and a photograph, and a collage of all the photographs will be used in the design of the back cover. The anthology will be published in paperback by Speaking Pen International Concept and then made available for purchase through different online platforms.

Editors' Notes
1. Adigun Temitope Idealism is the Editor-in-Chief of BLACK PRIDE Magazine and a pioneer of Idealism Interactive Battle.

2. Amarachi C. Attamah is the founder of " Oja".

3. Abegunde Sunday Olaoluwa is the founder of Speaking Pen International Concept. He is a prolific writer and speaker.

4. Olayemi Ayo is a poet and also a promoter of poetry on Facebook